Help find melanoma early 

Know your skin well

Having an intimate relationship with your skin will make you more likely to notice any abnormal changes. Sometimes it might be difficult to see these changes on your skin, so get a friend, a loved one, or a mirror to help you with the hard-to-see places.

Check your skin
every month

Practice SkintimacyTM by doing skin checks using the ABCDEs of melanoma

A skin check can help you find changes on your skin that could be a sign of melanoma. Melanoma can appear as: 

  • A mole that looks very different from your other moles
  • A new mole that wasn’t there before
  • An existing mole that changed in colour or shape

How to do a skin
check at home

Get started on your mole mapping journey with a few items found at home  

Now let’s get started! 

It’s hard to spot melanoma because what you see on your skin doesn’t give you the whole picture. I had the awareness to be mindful of any suspicious-looking moles, so when the mole on my right forearm changed, I knew it was time to get it checked out. So, my message to others is: watch those moles and be sure to look out for your loved ones, too. Don’t underestimate the potential of a simple monthly routine like a skin check.


an ex-melanoma patient, now in remission

Protect your skin from UV overexposure

Protect your skin from the damage due to UV radiation to help lower your chance of getting melanoma.

  • Limit the time you’re in the sun during peak hours (11 AM -3 PM between March to October)
  • Cover your skin and wear UV-protective clothes, including broad-brimmed hats
  • Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50+ and re-apply every 2 hours
  • Avoid tanning beds and sun lamps
  • Check your skin every month
  • Go to yearly skin check-ups with your doctor

Talk to your loved ones about melanoma

In a 2020 survey,* only about half (51%) of adult Canadians said they were knowledgeable about melanoma. And 55% of people did not know, or incorrectly identified, that small amounts of sun exposure without protection can lead to melanoma. To change this, we need to have conversations with our loved ones about the causes and risk factors of melanoma. The more you know, the better you can help protect yourself and your loved ones.  

Find a dermatologist near you  

Continue the conversation with your dermatologist to answer your questions about melanoma.  

If you live in certain areas, you can get your moles screened at a mole mapping clinic. Mole mapping (also known as dermoscopy) uses a computer to find and take photos of your moles, in multiple visits, to monitor changes over time. You can visit a mole mapping clinic if you live in: 

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • New Brunswick
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan
  • Quebec

Find rapid access clinics, mole mapping clinics, as well as other resources by clicking the button below.  

Patient Support Groups

that support melanoma patients

Melanoma Canada advocates for and supports Canadians living with melanoma and skin cancer by providing helpful resources, education, psychosocial support services, and more. Their site features:

  • Patient-friendly information on melanoma and other skin cancers
  • Access to resources including phone/email support, online support groups, peer-to-peer support, and patient information sessions

Save Your Skin Foundation is a national patient-led not-for-profit group dedicated to the fight against non-melanoma skin cancers, melanoma and ocular melanoma through nationwide education, advocacy, and awareness initiatives. Their site offers:

  • Patient information on diagnosis and treatment options, including clinical trials
  • 1-800 telephone hotline for immediate assistance
  • Monthly Patient Fireside Chats
  • Webinars and video resources
  • Emotional and mental wellness resources
  • Personal 1-on-1 support for those touched by cancer
  • Resources for children and their caretakers
  • Information and support for those with ocular melanoma
  • The I’m Living Proof initiative, offering peer-to-peer support
  • Links to dermatologist/clinic locators

Disclaimers and References: 

Photographs of skin used throughout the site do not depict melanoma. Speak to a healthcare practitioner if you are concerned about any of your moles.

* The survey was conducted by Leger et al, in March 2020 in collaboration with Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. and Save Your Skin Foundation.